Jenn has lost 20 pounds so far!

Jenn has lost 20 pounds so far!

I am down 20 pounds over the last 6 weeks! I stumbled the second week and cheated almost daily but got back on track and started dropping the pounds. I am a single mom of 2 boys and was hospitalized in April with chest pain and dizziness. Although I did not have a heart attack my blood pressure was extremely high. I was put on medicine and told to drop some weight. I am happy to report that my blood pressure since on this diet is now normal. It has not been this low in a number of years!!!

What keeps me motivated is seeing my weight go down on a daily basis. I have been a fan of homeopathic remedies for all of my family’s ailments and am happy to add this to the list! I plan on losing at least another 50 pounds and can’t wait to see the results!

Click here to learn how Jenn is getting her health back or call our Health Coaches at 800-980-7208.


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