Sarah tells us her Amino Diet Story!

Sarah tells us her Amino Diet Story!

I've been a yo-yo dieter almost all of my adult life and have struggled to keep the weight off since giving birth to my first child in 1994. After having three children my body changed and it has been very difficult over the years to stay at a healthy weight. I've tried every diet out there from the cabbage soup diet to the Atkins diet and even tried the HCG diet. While all of these diets helped me to lose the weight, it was always just a temporary weight loss before the pounds crept back on.

I found the Amino Diet on facebook and asked many questions. I decided to give it a try and I am thrilled to say I had great success! This is the easiest diet I've ever tried but calling it a "diet" doesn't do it any justice.  It's really a life style change and I'm so happy that I found it!

Click here to join Sara and the thousands of others who have lost weight on the Amino Diet Program or call the health coaches at 800-980-7208!

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