This couple lost a combined 38 pounds in one month!

This couple lost a combined 38 pounds in one month!

After the first week taking the drops, I lost 9.9 lbs. I was so excited because I had finally found a weight loss product that worked. By weighing myself every morning and seeing those numbers drop everyday, I knew I had made the right decision by trying the Amino Diet. After a whole month, I lost a total of 17 lbs. Before I started the Amino Diet, I was only 10 lbs. away from my goal weight, but I lost that and more! I was finally able to fit into my size 6 jeans that I had bought months ago, the tags were finally coming off! I was so happy being able to pull those pants up and zip them up without a struggle.

My boyfriend also started the diet along with me and after a month, he lost 21 lbs. He was so happy and he loved that people were noticing his weight loss.

Patty’s boyfriends story:

“Each morning, I would wake up and weigh myself and I would see the scale read a smaller number which was excited to see. After week one I lost 8.9 lbs. and I was absolutely speechless. I told my girlfriend that I hadn't been 190lbs in a long time. My clothes were beginning to fit bigger and my co-workers had noticed that I was looking a little thinner. I hadn't gone out to eat lunch with them the entire week which was really hard because they would pick up "good" food. But I was starting to see results and wasn't going to mess a good thing up. Week two, the results continued.

The weight loss never stopped or slowed down throughout the diet. The numbers on the scale kept reading lower. I thought my weight loss would slow down after the first two weeks but that wasn't the case, it was consistent. After a complete month I had lost a total of 21 pounds. A special thanks to the Amino Diet for helping with my weight loss!”

I truly do recommend trying the Amino Diet as it really does work! I have already recommended this diet to several friends and after seeing my results and my boyfriend's results for themselves, they are willing to try it as well.

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