Amber lost over 100 pounds using the Amino Diet!

Amber lost over 100 pounds using the Amino Diet!

"The first step in losing 81.8 lbs was really to decide to make another choice.  I started the Amino Diet on October 1 last year because someone told me about it.  I figured I had tried everything else, so why not give it a shot.  I lost 8 lbs my first week and I was hooked from then on.  I was a “carb-o-holic” so cutting out carbs I thought would be impossible, but after the first week the cravings really diminished.

I have lost 81.8 lbs as of today and still want to drop another 14 lbs before moving on to Phase 2, then on to maintenance.  I’m on my 3rd round of Phase 1 and this is really a lifestyle change.  I now know what a portion is, I am no longer avoiding the scale, and monitoring what I am eating is not about obsessing, but it really is a part of taking care of me.

Saying that I decided to make a different choice sounds simplistic but honestly that is what I did.  We get to choose.  Where we are in life is the sum total of the decisions we have made.  We get to make choices, but we don’t get to choose the consequences.  I didn’t like the consequences of my previous eating choices so I decided to make a different choice.  81.8 lbs later I am happy with my decision.  The Amino diet was by far the most simplistic eating plan I have ever been on, I lost on average .5 lbs per day and seeing results every day kept me motivated.  I love the Amino Diet, and without question it works if you work the plan.  So, my advice? Make another choice- you’ll be much happier with the consequences."



“This morning I hit 139 which is actually 102 lbs from when I started 1 year ago on October 1st, last year.  I To celebrate I did a little early shopping – I bought a dress and a new pair of pants.  The dress is a Size Small and the pants are a Size 4!  That’s down from size 20!!!

I can’t stand my OWN self at this point (LOL).  On to maintenance now, I’ve been running for the last 6 months , but will start weight training now…next goal?…The cover of Muscle and Fitness ! LOL.”



Join Amber on this amazing journey by clicking here or calling 800-980-7208 and speaking with a health coach!


  • Elaine

    Hey pat – click over to the “Weight Loss Program” tab to learn more about the program. But basically, you supplement with our homeopathic drops that come with the kit and follow a low glycemic eating plan that is outlined completely between two booklets that come in the kits (one is the sceince and how to, the other is a sample 30 day menu). People on average can lose between .5-1 pound per day depending on committment level, physical activity level, and how much weight they need to lose. We can answer any questions at 800-980-7208 or you can browse around the site to learn more. Please let us know if we can help.

  • PAT

    What do you have to do? What kind of food and how much exercise is involved.

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