Amino Diet Review: Francine

Amino Diet Review: Francine

I have lost 40 pounds and 50 inches. I regularly take my blood pressure and resting pulse. Blood pressure lower number has gone down 20 pts, from 90 to 70,  resting pulse is now 63 from 85-90.

Last November I could hardly walk because of arthritis in my knees. Today I can jog nearly one mile. Not so great for 20, but not too bad for 65.I struggled with the 50# dog food bag at the store and always had to get help. Now I heft it on my own.

Yes, I feel that I look better, but more importantly, I feel better. I have more energy and generally feel good. I have not been sick for months, and I teach school, so I have many opportunities to get sick.....

I am thankful for the drops, and hardly a day goes by that someone does not ask me what I did to lose the weight. I cheerfully share that it was the Amino Diet.

Join Francine and the thousands of people who have lost weight and improved their health on the Amino Diet. Call 800-980-7208 or click here to get started. 

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