Amino Diet Weight Loss Program Results: Brenda L.

Amino Diet Weight Loss Program Results: Brenda L.

Weight Loss Program Results

Name: Brenda L.

Amino Diet Results: 28 lbs in 6 weeks and about 3 inches in the waist.

"Losing almost 30lbs the first 5 weeks was amazing but also so important is how much energy I have and just how good and stable my moods are. My PMS week is nowhere near what it typically was. And I am sleeping really great, better than I have in years." - Brenda L.

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How did you feel while on the program?

Amazing. I felt such an increase in energy within the first 24 hours of starting Phase 1 on the drops. I have overall felt better than I remember in years for most of the time I’ve been on Phase 1 (6+ weeks).

What was the easiest part? What were some struggles?

Easiest for me was taking the drops 3x a day, identifying and enjoying most of the food per the diet (since I’ve been gluten-free already for 2+ years, it wasn’t as hard as it would be for some people) and I was very thirsty so the water was easier than I thought it would be too. I love coconut and olive oil so those were easy for cooking too.

Hardest was giving up sugar – including honey, agave, xylitol and erythritol. Also no grains (since I’m Gluten-Free I can’t have the breadsticks), no pork and no potatoes has also been a little tough.

What was the best part?

Losing almost 30lbs the first 5 weeks was amazing but also so important is how much energy I have and just how good and stable my moods are. My PMS week is nowhere near what it typically was. And I am sleeping really great, better than I have in years.

What are your stats? (Inches lost, weight)

28 lbs in 6 weeks and about 3 inches in the waist.

Any blood sugar changes? Medication changes? (If applicable)

Definitely most stable throughout the day when I eat fruit with a protein. No medicine changes but I feel a lot more energy more consistently throughout the day.

Did you visit a doctor and did they say anything?

Had a GREAT check up with my one favorite doctor this morning, Dr. Raskin - an OBGYN but I trust him more than any of the other doctors that I've ever seen. That guy amazes me every single time; he listens, asks how I feel and explains why and how we can move the needle on things... just a great doctor.

My Hashimotos (auto-immune disease) seems to be very much under control, my thyroid hormone levels are mostly in check (T3 just a touch low), weight loss FINALLY making some real progress (25 lbs in 6 weeks) and my energy is up and I'm feeling great (that's really his bottom line - which is fantastic). He thinks my being grain-free is helping a lot. I know we can have a few crackers on the diet but I have to be gluten-free with Hashimotos thyroiditis. He wants me to watch the cottage cheese too cause that can be problematic for me with inflammation... so will watch that for sure.

Amino Diet was approved by him so I can keep on truckin! Yay!! Back in 6 months to see if anything else needs tweaking. Things seem to be in harmony which for me is amazing. This diet is not the easiest thing to do but so far, it's been the most effective for me. So glad to finally be on a positive, healthy track!

Was anybody commenting or complimenting you?

People at work, friends and family have all noticed the big changes in me. They say mostly in my face but I can fit in size 16 and I was wearing 18wide and 20 just a few months ago.

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