Melanie is down 19 pounds on the Amino Diet!

Melanie is down 19 pounds on the Amino Diet!

Name: Melanie Chevis

Amino Diet Stats: Down 19 pounds!

We asked Melanie a few questions about her journey on the Amino Diet! Check out her responses below!

"My blood pressure is better than it has ever been. My doctor commented on the fact that I lost weight since my last visit and soon he may discontinue my blood pressure medication which makes me very happy."

Click here to get started on your own Amino Diet program!

How did you feel while on the program?

On the first two or three days, I felt hungry. But now I feel amazing. I have more energy than I’ve had since prior to 2011. My blood pressure is now an amazing 110/71 so I am hoping the doctor will decrease or discharge the meds altogether.

What was the easiest part? What were some struggles?

The website provides some recipes which makes it easy for me to decide what I will cook for my main meals. The only struggle I have is being able to eat my lunch at a consistent time each day though, I try to take by drops around the same time each day.

What was the best part?

The best part is knowing that I am not in this alone, I have support from my fellow Amino Dieters and from a live weight loss adviser. I am constantly checking the Facebook page to read the testimonials of the other awesome people.

What are your stats? (Inches lost, weight)

I have lost 16 pounds in the first month and, as of this mornings weigh-in, I have lost 19 pounds and I’m not halfway done with my second cycle. I don’t know how many inches I have lost but, I know that I am down a pants and dress size. And my blood pressure is better than it’s ever been.  My doctor commented on the fact that I lost weight since my last visit and soon he may discontinue my blood pressure medication which makes me very happy.

I don't have a "before pic" but I am liking the way I am looking right now in this one! My family also noticed the weight loss when I went to visit and, after I posted my pictures on Facebook, my sister in Chattanooga called to tell me how good I was looking. Today a co-worker was bragging on how well I’ve been eating and calling attention to my weight loss. She said, “even the stomach has gone down” and that is a good feeling.

If you are ready to join Melanie and thousands of others who have lost weight on the Amino Dietcall 800-980-7208 to speak with a live health coach or click here!

1 comment

  • olga rome

    I am interested but need to know if there are any contraindications to my meds. Toprol xl for AFib

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