Weight Loss On The Amino Diet: Susan is 6 pounds from her goal!

Weight Loss On The Amino Diet: Susan is 6 pounds from her goal!

Susan is a 58 year old woman from Texas. She has struggled with her weight for most of her adult life after she had her 2 kids and a hysterectomy. Hitting her highest weight at 245 pounds, she is now 156.2!

"I came across The Amino Diet on facebook, and it seemed too good to be true, but I hoped this would work. I only ordered  one bottle because I was skeptical, but when I saw that it worked its magic I quickly bought another bottle. I have dropped now hit 156.2 as of today. I love the fact that I can eat more and eat the foods that I couldn't on the other program. My goal is to get down to 150lbs.

The Amino Diet has taught me to eat healthier, what to eat and not eat, and just a healthier way of living. I just wish i had found out about The Amino Diet before now. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART."

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