Amino Diet Drops Side Effects
There are so many weight loss products on the market that are loaded with stimulants and caffeine that really do more harm than good on our bodies’. One of the great things about the Amino Diet, besides the clean low glycemic eating plan, is that our drops are homeopathic, which means they are a natural and non-invasive approach to getting healthy. There are no stimulants or caffeine in our drops and all nine of our ingredients can be found in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia.
Because the product is homeopathic, there are virtually no side effects. Some will experience withdrawal and detox symptoms the first week. Light headaches are common as your body is detoxing. Drinking plenty of water and taking a non-sugar coated pain medication can help when needed.
Here are a few of the benefits that you can expect from our homeopathic formulation:
- Decrease in cravings
- Increase in metabolism
- Improved liver function
- Improved thyroid function
- Balanced hormones
- Overall clean feeling which leads to natural increases in energy
- Much more....
Now keep in mind- We’re not in a position to talk about any medical condition, we can tell you how the product works but specifics concerning any disease or human condition must be discussed with your prescribing physician. Be sure to let your doctor know that our product is Homeopathic (all natural), produced in FDA registered labs, and the meals will consist of lean proteins, fruits, veggies, healthy fats, and even some carbs.
Have questions? Call the health coaches at 800-980-7208.