Health Tips & Recipes RSS

One ingredient in the Amino Diet Drops, Lophopytum leandri, is specifically added to support your thyroid. To appreciate its importance, you have to know a little about the thyroid. The thyroid plays a very important role when it comes to metabolism and body weight. The thyroid is a butterfly-like shaped gland near the lower part of the neck. It releases hormones that transport energy to your body’s cells. The thyroid gland impacts weight gain or loss through the release of hormones. Too little hormone, and your body’s metabolism drops, which means low energy and easy weight gain. The functioning of each...

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RECIPES | Beef -

Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 50 minutes Serving Size: 1 (multiply for more servings) One protein, one veggie per serving Calories: 365 Ingredients 1 med green pepper allowed portion of lean ground beef. 1/4 Onion 1 tbls garlic 1/2 tomato 1 teaspoon hot sauce juice lemon to taste Salt & Pepper to taste Instructions Brown ground beef (97% fat free) with 1/4 onion, garlic, salt and pepper. Cut med. size green pepper in half and take out seeds and membrane add ground beef mixture in green pepper. Top off with 1/2 tomato season with hot sauce or lemon Bake...

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Makes 3 Servings (each serving counts as 1 protein) Calories per serving: 155 Ingredients 2 5-ounce cans tuna, drained 2 eggs 1/4 cup celery, chopped 1/4 cup onion, chopped 1/4 cup green or red pepper, minced Salt and pepper, to taste Instructions Mix all ingredients in bowl and spoon into 6 greased muffin cups. Bake at 350º for 30 minutes until puffed and lightly browned around the edges. Two muffins per serving.

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Amino Diet FAQ -

Successful weight loss and weight management must consider an often-overlooked factor - the appetite.  The world and society we live in today is moving at a pace faster than ever before. It seems like most of us have more things to do and less time in which to do them. This can create stress, in turn creating challenges for some people when it comes to controlling their appetite. The problem of losing weight or weight management is further complicated when out-of-control appetites satisfy themselves on calorie-rich foods. Excessive snacking and compulsive eating can easily cause weight gain, or even derail...

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Amino Diet FAQ -

One of the ingredients in our Amino Diet drops is a-Ketoglutaicum Acidum, or AKG. This is used often by peak performance athletes and bodybuilders and plays a critical role in the Krebs Cycle, also known as the Citric Acid Cycle. This is a very important process of the body, whereby the body generates energy from carbs, fats, and proteins.  So, why did we add AKG to our Amino Diet drops? Studies have shown that AKG (a-Ketoglutaicum Acidum) helps the body to properly metabolize amino acids and transfer energy. In addition, AKG can cause the level of ammonia (bad stuff) to be...

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